May 11th & 12th
Marion Janitorial Supply Co. will be closed Thursday and Friday May 11th and 12th. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding!
If you need to you can call to leave us a message and we will be back in the store on Monday May 15th for normal business.
JAWS Mopping System
This professional mopping system by Canberra Corporation is now available for order. Call us 319-377-0167 or stop by Marion Janitorial Supply Co. 4163 3rd AVE Suite 103 Marion Iowa 52302.
Friday April 7th
We will be closed Friday April 7th at Noon for a software update to fix some issues we are having.
Thank you for your understanding!!!
Happy Easter!
Logo matting is not just for schools! Send your logo and size needed to [email protected] for a price quote!

Office Supplies
Did you know we have access to office supplies? And office furniture/shelving? Call us or stop by for details!

Mop & Bucket or Machine
We will be closing at noon December 23rd and closed December 26th and January 2nd for the Holidays.
Gaming Chair
‘Tis the season – cold and flu season! Make sure you have a can of Super-Sorb on hand for all those unexpected emergencies! Want to try a sample? Stop in the store or give us a call!